With projectEYE, it is easy to keep the entire project team in the loop. Every project has its own mail address, and that mail is collected in a searchable online archive.  
everyone is on board

Email is an indispensable tool in design collaboration, but it is still not perfect. Typically, each team member keeps their own team email address list, and no two lists are exactly the same. Team members are inadvertently left out of the loop. With projectEYE mail, each project has an address that broadcasts mail to the entire project team.

where is that message?

In addition to being broadcast to the team, information sent to the project mail address is collected in a searchable database within the project site. Forget the PMS number? Search “PMS” and get a list of all messages pertaining to PMS numbers.

drowning in email?

There is such a thing as too much email, especially as the size of a project team grows. With projectEYE, each team member has a hand on the spigot. Team members can opt to receive every email instantly, reduce the flow with daily or weekly mail journals, or turn off the project mail altogether. Each email contains a brief summary of the current mail delivery preferences of each team member – so there are no surprises.


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