asymmetrical collaboration
The collaboration between a consultant and client is asymmetrical; with
certain inputs and outputs associated with the consultant, and other inputs
and outputs associated with the client. In addition, as the host of the
online collaboration, the consultant will also develop expertise in the use
of projectEYE tools, while clients will often be novice users, with
different needs. projectEYE is built to suit these differences.
visual information
The exchange and discussion of visual information is uniquely important to
design businesses and their clients. projectEYE supports the viewing and
exchange of visual information.
Design businesses carefully control their visual brand identity. projectEYE
can be fully customized to present a seamless extension of the
consultant’s brand.
different measures of business performance
Design businesses use different measures than other businesses to track and
measure budgets and financial health. projectEYE business tools embody
these differences, allowing a design business to maximize their financial
designers are the best!
Maybe the design industry isn’t as big as some other categories, or
as lucrative, but we’d rather work with design professionals than
people in any other business. And we’re not just saying that to get
on your good side.
©2002 projectEYE contact us: info@projectEYE.com call us: 412.687.7000
